Live Chat Software
Allows customer/ visitors to connect to a live customer service agent to have their questions and concerns addressed quickly and in real time text chat. There is nothing to download on the customer or visitor’s behalf. Just a click of a button gives instant access. Check on sites like http://live247support.com and find out how integrating this chat software into any business not only gives instant gratification to your customers, but keeps them coming back and in return recommending your service. This software is easy to install and downloads quickly. Compatible with most browsers.
Automated Live Chat Software
This software is an automated avatar integrated system and is similar to Live Chat, providing customers/visitors with automated responses from a library of commonly asked questions, instantly. Customers and visitors can utilize this auto responder service 24/7. There is no need to employ customer service agents, therefore saving online business owners time and money. The software is customizable, allowing business owners to choose the avatar type of their choice, that closely resembles the personality of their business. Hands off installation is a plus!
An online communication system that can be used to interact with a customer/visitor through electronic mail. While customers/visitors don’t have the convenience as with Live Chat Software or the Automated Live Chat Software which provides instant answers, but it can be a start for the novice online business owner. Online business owners who choose this option must make the effort to answer their online customers/visitors emails in a timely fashion.
Every online business should incorporate a reference of frequently asked questions. This can save time and serve as a convenience for both the customer/visitor and the online business staff. This customer service option can be combined with any of the other options listed.
Online Forums
An online community that can also be incorporated into an online business. Customers/visitors can interact with others in an online chat room. They can get answers to their questions and also provide answers through real time online chat submission. An online business that opts for this type of customer service should be proactive in the forum to also provide feedback and answer questions.
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